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  • Can I bring other children when I co-op?
    No, only the enrolled child can attend school when co-oping. The exception is for newborns who can come to school for a six week time period following six weeks of maternity leave as long as it doesn’t interfere with co-oping duties.
  • Do the children get to spend much time playing outside during class time?
    Yes. The school day is relatively unstructured, so the children are allowed to play outside at most times, except for circle time and during snack time.
  • Does CPC have a Junior Kindergarten class?
    Yes, our JK program is for children age qualified for kindergarten who would benefit from the “gift of time” to ready themselves for current kindergarten programs. Learn more about our Junior Kindergarten program.
  • Does my child have to be potty trained to attend CPC?
    No, your child does not have to be potty trained. If your child is in the process of potty training the teachers will encourage the child to use the bathroom during class time.
  • How can I register my child and set up a tour?
    Registration forms are available here __________________. A tour can be scheduled by calling 925-974-6820 or by contacting us via______________ email.
  • Is Financial Aid available for tuition?
    Yes, individual applications for Financial Aid are reviewed by the school Employment Committee.
  • What are my responsibilities when I co-op?
    On your co-oping days you will be assisting the teacher in carrying out the school’s routines and supervising the children. In accordance with the CPC philosophy of providing an opportunity for creative play, the school day is relatively unstructured, with only a few guidelines. Co-opers are expected to help with the cleaning of the school following class. During the orientation program, you will receive specific co-oping instruction. The teachers will also share their co-oping expectations and class curriculum. At the completion of each school day a talk-over is held between the teacher and co-opers to discuss how the day went.
  • What happens if I cannot make my scheduled co-op day?
    If you are not able to co-op on a scheduled day, you must arrange for a substitute, either by trading days with another parent or by paying a substitute.
  • What is the discipline policy of CPC?
    Any discipline given to a child is done in a positive way.
  • What is the school’s peanut policy?
    The school does allow nuts and peanut butter at school during snack time. There is an assigned peanut table which children must use if they are eating nut products. A list of all children who have allergies is posted in the snack area, and on the nametags of each child who has an allergy.
  • Will I have other commitments in addition to my co-op hours?
    Yes. In addition to co-oping, members are required to complete 30 hours on a committee assignment, attend membership meetings, complete 8 hours of housekeeping and maintenance and 4 hours of fundraising. Learn more about ________________________ membership commitments.
  • Does CPC provide enrichment classes for homeschooled families?
    Yes! Check out our Home School Tot Time option.
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